말년때 자던 도중에 갑자기 오한을 느낌.
열이 심해져서 행정반에 체온을 쟀더니 38.5도가 나옴.
두통과 발열이 심해서 여단 의무대에 실려감.
거기서 끄응 끄응 앓고 있었고, 새벽내내 더 심해짐.
너무 힘들어서 자고있던 타대대 아저씨 깨워서
“아저씨,, 깨워서 진짜 미안한데요.. 제가 진짜 지금 죽을 것 같아서 그런데 저좀 부축해줄 수 있을까요.” 했더니
깜짝 놀라면서 “어우 네 알겠어요.” 하고 부축하고
의무병이 이등병이었는데 체온 좀 재달라니까
한숨 푹 쉬더니 “귀 대요” 함. 개빡치는데 일단 참음.
“ 40.3도요 .“
“네???” 하고 그 같이 부축해준 아저씨가
“아저씨 그럼 이거 빨리 엠뷸 좀 불러줘요” 하니까
“ 왜요?? ” 이러더라.
나는 대꾸도 할 힘이 없어서 거기서 주저 앉음.
그 아저씨가 생명의 은인인게ㅡ진짜 엄청 화내면서
아니 ㅆ발 그러면 사람 체온이 40도가 쳐 넘어간데 ㅆ빨럼아 그럼 가만히 있어? 미쳤나 이 개ㅅㄲ가 하니까
그 의무병 개쫄아서 바로 행보관한테 보고하고 국군 병원 실려감.
진짜 고마웠음.. 그리고 실려가서 무슨 발목에
주사기 꼽더니 피 뽑아감. 그리고 무슨 수치 검사했는데
세균수치가 300배가 넘는다네. 뭔 수치인지는 모르겠는데
아무튼 ㅈ댄거였던거임.
채온이 40도가 넘어가는데 어떻게 그렇게 정신이 말짱하냬.
걍 참았다 하니까 이상하게 쳐다봄.
아무튼 거기서 3주 덜덜 떨다가 완치되고 전역함 ㅋ
그 의무병 지금 보면 죽빵 갈기고 싶음
I suddenly felt chills while sleeping just before military discharge.
The fever got worse, so the administrative team took the temperature, and it came out as 38.5 degrees.
Due to severe headache and fever, he was taken to the medical unit.
I was sick there, and it got worse all morning.
It was so hard that I woke up the man from the other battalion who was sleeping.
“Mister, I’m really sorry for waking you up… I really feel like I’m going to die right now, but could you help me?” I said
He was startled and said, “Oh yes I see.” and supported me. The medic who was a private soldier asked me to take my temperature. After taking a deep breath, he said, “put your ear” I was annoying but patient. “how much body temperature??” “40.3degree.” "Yes???" And the man who supported me like that said, “Mister, please call an ambulance quickly.” " why?? “ the medic replied. I didn't have the strength to respond, so I sat down there. That man was a lifesaver.
He was really angry and then he said "the person's body temperature goes over 40 degrees. Are you crazy? This is an emergency situation.
You should do the right manage this problem." The medic was so scared that he immediately reported this situation to the administrative assistant and I was taken to a military hospital. I was really grateful.
I went to the exam room and put a syringe in my ankle and drew blood. The bacteria count was over 300 times, but I don't know exactly what kind of bacteria it is.
Anyway, it was a terrible. The temperature is over 40 degrees, but how can you stay sober? I just put up with it, so I look at it strangely. Anyway, after 3 weeks of shivering there, I was cured and discharged. Looking at that medic now, I want to grind him to death.